martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

que mi vestido no te confunda....


AMBIGUITY (final. Fixed version of Freedom) from Lea Zejdler on Vimeo.

General STATEMENT of the project:

This is a critic on putting labels on people;
On telling us who are we, on creating expectations..
On playing the role that you don’t want to play.

On the pressure of adjusting to heteronormative society;
On necessity to alignment with the gender pattern;
On dissonance between worlds which we face while growing up;

It’s about opening eyes, changing the mind set,
leaving things behind, getting into a new chapter..
It’s about an inside rebel or being a mental punk.

It’s about finding the right balance (literally and in metaphor)
and it shows that people are more than one layer..

That ridiculous things are always the best fun;
That Peter Pan exists, Punk is not dead and Queer rules!

It shows that princesses also have balls.
It shows that if you are brave enough you can change things!

Do not allowed anybody to put you into the box!
do NOt put LABELS yourself!
Think QUEER.


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